Standardized construction of medical compressed air system in new hospitals
1杭州鼎岳空分设备有限公司,浙江 杭州 3114036,2绍兴市立医院,浙江 绍兴 312000
Author(s):XU Li-Min1; XIE Bing2
1Hangzhou Dingyue Air Separation Instrument Co. Ltd, Hangzhou 3114036, China; 2Shaoxing Municipal Hospital, Shaoxing 312000, Chin
Keywords:medical compressed air system; standardized construction; air compressor unit
Abstract:Medical compressed air system is one of the most important life support systems in hospitals, but because of the lack of enough attention, there is a big security risk in its construction and use. In this paper, we took an actual project for example to illustrate the problems existing in construction process and purchasing management of medical air system and their corresponding countermeasures, and also introduced a standardized construction scheme that can meet the current national norms and laws.
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